Tuesday 11 October 2016

Water Conservation Initiative: Greywater Recycling System

Used water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines. It is not water that has come into contact with feces, either from the toilet or from washing diapers. It contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and certain household cleaning products. It may look “dirty,” but it is a safe and even beneficial source of irrigation water in a yard. 
Keep in mind that if greywater is released into rivers, lakes, or estuaries, its nutrients become pollutants, but to plants, they are valuable fertilizer. Aside from the obvious benefits of saving water (and money on your water bill), reusing your greywater keeps it out of the sewer or septic system, thereby reducing the chance that it will pollute local water bodies. 

Basically, the grey water is collected through a piping system. Then, the collected water will be irrigated to the nearby yard to plant the trees through a pipe.


The greywater recycling system has been installed at the school canteen. The greywater used for cleaning raw materials are channeled to the plant outside through a long pipe.

Monday 3 October 2016

Water Conservation Initiative: Rainwater Harvesting


Accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse. Rainwater collected from the roofs is considered as harvesting.


  • Collected for free.
  • A sustainable source of water.
  • Reduce dependence on mains water, hence reduce water bill.
  • Can be used for watering plants and cleaning.


In order to conserve water and reducing water bills, this initiative provides an alternative source of water. In SDJ, we have two rainwater harvesting tanks.

Rainwater harvesting tank 1 at the toilet near the field

Second rainwater harvesting tank near the garden area at surau. Aiman Akim from 2P1 is using the rainwater to water the plant at the garden.

Grow well, little tree :)

So we hope this initiative could show a significant result in order to spread the awareness in water conservation. 

Save water, spread the awareness.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Second Water Audit

On 26 September 2016, the second water audit has been conducted by Dr. H20s in SDJ. The aim of the second audit is to identify if there's any reduction in water usage after few water conservation iniatiatives  took place in our school, whether it's physical or awareness.

So far, we have done:
  • Sand water bottle trick for flush tank
  • Installing water saving gadgets at canteen
  • Installing the second rain water harvesting tank at surau
  • Installing water recycle system at canteen
  • Water conservation awareness campaign

Calculating the water usage at the school canteen. Based on our calculation in first water audit before we install the water saving gadjet, 1 L water is used per person to wash his hand. After the installation of the gadget, the average usage is reduced from 1 L to 0.4 L per use. What a result! 

So we do know that the water saving gadget is an effective way to significantly reduce our water consumption, hence our water bill. 

Apart from canteen, we also did water audit at several places like Science lab, field, toilet, garden and also surau. Most of the place showed a promising result. There is a reduction of water usage compared to the first water audit We can take it as result of the awareness already there inside the students' mind. 

We hope that this awareness can stay in our life and hopefully everyone can do their part to spread the awareness. Remember, even the smallest thing counts. 

All in all, the second water audit is a success. We had fun and we learn something. Thank you and see you again in the next activity.

Save water, spread the awareness!

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Kompilasi Sajak Air oleh Jaafarian

Pertandingan mengarang sajak telah dijalankan di bawah program Konservasi Air. Berikut adalah antara hasil nukilan sajak-sajak terbaik yang dikarang oleh pelajar SDJ

Air Oh Air - Muhamad Nabil bin Lazam (4SNT)

Air oh air,
Kaulah sumber kehidupan abadi,
Sejak kecil kami menggunakan kau,
Engkau juga mendatangkan kebaikan dan keburukan.

Air air air,
Kau juga penawar penyakit,
Kami boleh hidup tanpa makanan,
Tetapi tidak tanpamu air.

Air oh air,
Bumi ini kian kekeringan,
Akibat kebodohan kami manusia,
Janganlah kita bazirkan air,
Kerana air sumber kehidupan

Air - Muhammad Ikmal (4SI2)

Air oh air,
Siapa yang tidak mengenalimu,
Kaulah sumber utama di alam semesta,

Sekiranya badanku kotor terkena najis.
Aku membersihkannya menggunakanmu.
Sekiranya aku kehausan,
Akanku basahi tekakku dengan titisanmu,

Air oh air,
Kaulah yang membawa kesenangan,
Namun kadang kau jua membawa kesusahan.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Ceramah Konservasi Air

Pada 7 September 2016, ceramah konservasi oleh Cik Radziah, wakil dari GEC telah dijalankan untuk memberikan pendedahan dan kesedaran tentang penggunaan dan penjimatan air. Kumpulan sasaran adalah semua pelajar Tingkatan 2, ahli kelab Geografi dan Alam Sekitar serta Dr. H20. Ceramah diadakan di Bilik APD SMK Dato Jaafar. 

Selain dari ceramah, sesi permainan dan perbincangan mengenai kepentingan memelihara air juga telah dijalankan. Semua pelajar memberikan kerjasama yang baik.

Permainan dam ular yang menarik. Pelajar diberikan soalan-soalan yang berkaitan dengan konservasi dan kepentingan air.

Sesi brain storming mengenai kepentingan usaha pemeliharaan  sumber air. Pelajar perlu menghasilkan peta minda mengenai tajuk yang diberikan,

Hasil kerja pelajar berkenaan pemeliharaan sumber air

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada wakil dari GEC atas usaha murni untuk mendidik generasi tentang kepentingan menjaga sumber-sumber alam semulajadi.

Trivia menarik dari ceramah:

  • Tahukah anda negeri Johor mencatatkan penggunaan air yang paling tinggi berbanding negeri lain di Malaysia iaitu sebanyak 200000++ liter setahun?
  • Singapura sedang dalam usaha untuk mengurangkan penggunaan air di negara mereka dan hampir mencapai sasaran. 
Jika penduduk Singapura boleh, mengapa tidak kita? Apakah langkah yang bijak untuk mengurangkan jumlah penggunaan air?

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Kempen Konservasi Air Peringkat SMK Dato Jaafar

Pada 14 Ogos 2016, Dr. H20 SDJ dan Kelab Alam Sekitar dengan kerjasama Panitia Geografi Tingkatan 6 telah melancarkan Kempen Konservasi Air peringkat sekolah.

Antara objektif kempen ialah untuk meningkatkan kesedaran tentang penggunaan air yang bijak dan langkah-langkah penjimatan air.

Antara aktiviti yang dijalankan ialah pertandingan pengucapan awam, pertandingan mencipta sajak, deklamasi sajak oleh wakil Dr. H20, pertandingan melukis poster dan juga ceramah.

Pertandingan melukis poster 

Pertandingan pengucapan awam

Deklamasi sajak oleh wakil Dr. H20 bertajuk Air Oh Air

Johan pengucapan awam, Hilda Helena dengan ucapan yang bertajuk Water Poverty

Terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dan juga tidak dalam menjayakan program ini. Diharapkan agar program ini dapat memberi kesedaran terhadap penggunaan air.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Thursday 12 May 2016

Water Conservation Iniatiative: Water Saving Device (Tap Aerator)

Based from the calculation, 0.5 L water is being used per person to wash hands at the school canteen. To cater approximately 500 Jaafarians during recess, it shows a significant amount of water being used per day, just at the canteen.

Water usage depends on the water flow rates and duration per use. So the steps that should we take to reduce water usage are:

a) reducing flow rate by using water saving device (tap aerators).
b) reducing the duration per use by washing hands quickly (but thoroughly)

These water saving devices will control the amount of water that flows through the tap without affecting the water pressure. The aerator acts as a sieve, separating a single flow of water into many tiny streams hence, the water flow is reduced, resulting in water savings.

With the help of the members of Kelab Alam Sekitar, we managed to install these tap aerators at all the school canteen's sinks. .

We hope that this small but meaningful iniatiative will make a difference in reducing the water usage in SDJ.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Water Conservation Initiative: Sand Bottle

Do you know that we can actually calculate how much water we used when we flush toilet per use? According to our calculation, we used about 16 litres of water when we flush the toilet.

That is only one time. Lets do some simple math. Let say in SDJ we have 500 students, if average 380 students used toilet once during school day, so 16 L x 385 = 6160 L per student.

Then, let say 200 students used toilet twice, so 16 L x 200 = 3200 L per student.

Then we add up, 6160 L + 3200 L = 9360 L. 9360 L water is used by Jaafarians, just to flush toilet for ONE day. Shall we multiply it for 5 days? For a month? For one year? That is only the toilet water usage. What about the rest?

Obviously we have to do something. We are Dr. H2O after all : )

One of the iniative that we can do is DIY sand bottle trick. It is simple, easy and will help to save water everytime we flush the toilet.


We use 500 ml mineral water bottle and we put 2 bottles in each tank. So the 1 L water inside the tank will be replaced by the sand bottle, hence we can save water. 

All the Kelab Alam Sekitar's member including us cooperate to make the sand bottle. We collected the mineral water bottle around the school and filled it with sand. 

All the sand bottle, ready to be used. 

By doing this initiative, we hope we can make a difference in conserving water. Remember, water is precious. Love our river

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Water Audit: Result

Water audit is a crucial step in order to calculate the water usage per activity at a certain place. Based from the result, we can identify which part of the school that consume a significant amount of water. After that, we can take action accordingly.

We carried out the activity as stated in the previous post. So, we would like to share the result of the water audit.

Actual Water Usage Per Activity 

Based from the result, it is shown that there is a high usage of water consumption at the toilet. For your information, this is an actual water usage per person per activity. It means that a person used 16 L just to flush toilet after being used.

So, obviously we need to take some measures to reduce the water usage. Stay tuned for more water conservation initiatives.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Water Audit in SDJ

As a River Ranger, we have responsibility to educate our friends about the importance of conserving water. So, when we were doing the school water audit, we did it with a group of Form 6 students.

We conducted the water audit from 17 to 20 April. During the whole week, we did a lot of things such as distributing and collecting daily water usage forms from classes. We also calculated the flow rate and the usage of water that students used during recess. We even conducting interviews with the school canteen workers and gardener about their water usage. Even though it is a lot of work, we did have fun. We feel accomplished because we get to share our knowledge about conserving water. 

Calculating water usage during recess. Thank god all the Jaafarians gave full cooperations.

Calculating water usage in the garden.

Conducting survey among the school garderner. We asked about the how much time they used to water plants around the school.

Thank you, uncle : )

Listening an explanation from Abang Satesh during their visit to conduct the water audit in SDJ

The best part of our work. We get to eat delicious food : )

After we finished the audit, finalised the form and submitted the result to Kak Radziah, we treat ourselves with the delicious ice kacang at B.Point. Some of us couldn't make it though. Thank you fellow River Rangers to make it happen! 

We also would like to thank the Jaafarians who participated in the school water audit especially students from 1 Tan, 2P3, 3P3, 4SNT, 5SNAT and Pra USG.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Proses Rawatan Air

Jika sebelum ini kami telah berkongsi maklumat mengenai proses rawatan air kumbahan, kali ini kami ingin berkongsi maklumat tentang proses rawatan air untuk dibekalkan ke rumah, kilang dan sebagainya,

Tahukah anda, sumber air utama untuk bekalan air bersih ialah sungai? Air sungai akan disalurkan ke loji rawatan untuk melalui pelbagai proses tapisan, penambahan bahan kimia dan sebagainya sebelum disahkan menepati piawai air bersih untuk disalurkan ke pengguna.

Maka, dapatkah kita bayangkan jika sungai-sungai di Malaysia terus tercemar? Apakah yang bakal terjadi kepada sumber air utama kita? Kemusnahan alam sekitar yang kita sendiri lakukan akan memberi kesan langsung kepada kita juga.

Cintai sungai kita.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Rawatan Air Kumbahan oleh Indah Water

Setiap hari kita menggunakan berliter-liter air untuk kegunaan seharian. Pernahkah kita terfikir ke manakah sisa air yang telah kita gunakan itu pergi? Mari kita tonton video ini. Semoga kita mendapat sesuatu yang bermanfaat

Sewaktu lawatan kami ke loji kumbahan air Indah Water di Skudai, kami telah dibawa ke tangki rawatan air. Air kumbahan yang dikumpul dalam tangki, berbau busuk dan mempunyai banyak benda asing. Kami melihat sendiri bagaimana air tersebut diproses dan dirawat dan hasil akhirnya, air yang disalurkan semula ke sungai tidak berbau dan jernih. Menarik, bukan? 

Tidak semua orang berpeluang menyaksikan proses ini secara live di hadapan mata. Oleh itu, kami ingin berkongsi maklumat kepada semua. Mari kita tonton video proses rawatan air kumbahan.

Tahukah anda, setiap hari pekerja-pekerja di loji Indah Water menghadapi risiko demi memastikan air kumbahan yang diterima dirawat agar boleh disalurkan semula ke sungai? Di sini kami ingin berkongsi maklumat mengenai risiko yang mereka hadapi setiap hari. 

Oleh itu, marilah kita mensyukuri nikmat kurniaan Tuhan yang telah diberikan kepada kita. Hargai air, sayangi sungai kita. 

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Program Konservasi Air: Day 2 (Field Visit)

On the second day of the programme, we had a field visit. We visited Loji Indah Water and Empangan Gunung Pulai to see how our water is treated.

Taking pictures at the entrance of Loji Indah Water 

Listening to explaination about the aeration process of the water

Thank you for the great time. We learnt a lot about the sewage treatment.

Group picture at the reservoir

This is the highlight of the programme. We got some exposure on the water treatment process and equipment they use to ensure we get the clean water supply. Before this we always take things for granted, we didn't realize it takes a whole lot of process and chemicals to make sure the water can be used in our daily life. 

So, we would like to say thanks to Indah Water and SAJ for your hard work. Thank you!

Program Konservasi Air: Day 1

Hi! This is Firasnaim during the talk session by Dr. Kali. We are so proud of Firas for his courage to speak up in front of the audience. I guess through this proframme, other than water conserving information that we learnt, we can also build up some confidence. Good job, Firas!

We enjoyed the session because it made us realized that we actually used a lot of water in our daily life. Water is so precious. Even it's a renewable source, it takes a lot of effort to treat the water, so we must conserve water.

We also did water mapping, water audit and we even play a virtual water game. From the activities, we learn how to use water effieciently. So instead of using water hose to water your plant or wash your car, use pail. It seems small and simple but it can do wonder. It's better than we do nothing, right?

Water auditing. To conserve water, just open the tap slowly, no need to open it until finish. It can reduce the flow of water, hence we can save water. Simple, right?

Us during the talk session. So excited to learn new stuff. 

Water mapping session. We had to determine the source of our school water supply. It's Sungai Segget. 

Saturday 26 March 2016

We are SDJ's Dr. H2O!

Back row from the left: Firasnaim, Cikgu Zety, Cikgu Pushpa, Nabil, Khairul

Front row from the left: Awang, Firdaus, Farhan, Zahirul

For some reason Haikal is not here but he's also a River Ranger too!

We had a pleasant experience during the talk and the field visit. We learnt a lot of new things about water treatment system. It was a good exposure. Plus, we had so much fun among ourselves!

More pictures to come. Stay tuned!