Monday 3 October 2016

Water Conservation Initiative: Rainwater Harvesting


Accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse. Rainwater collected from the roofs is considered as harvesting.


  • Collected for free.
  • A sustainable source of water.
  • Reduce dependence on mains water, hence reduce water bill.
  • Can be used for watering plants and cleaning.


In order to conserve water and reducing water bills, this initiative provides an alternative source of water. In SDJ, we have two rainwater harvesting tanks.

Rainwater harvesting tank 1 at the toilet near the field

Second rainwater harvesting tank near the garden area at surau. Aiman Akim from 2P1 is using the rainwater to water the plant at the garden.

Grow well, little tree :)

So we hope this initiative could show a significant result in order to spread the awareness in water conservation. 

Save water, spread the awareness.

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