Thursday 29 September 2016

Second Water Audit

On 26 September 2016, the second water audit has been conducted by Dr. H20s in SDJ. The aim of the second audit is to identify if there's any reduction in water usage after few water conservation iniatiatives  took place in our school, whether it's physical or awareness.

So far, we have done:
  • Sand water bottle trick for flush tank
  • Installing water saving gadgets at canteen
  • Installing the second rain water harvesting tank at surau
  • Installing water recycle system at canteen
  • Water conservation awareness campaign

Calculating the water usage at the school canteen. Based on our calculation in first water audit before we install the water saving gadjet, 1 L water is used per person to wash his hand. After the installation of the gadget, the average usage is reduced from 1 L to 0.4 L per use. What a result! 

So we do know that the water saving gadget is an effective way to significantly reduce our water consumption, hence our water bill. 

Apart from canteen, we also did water audit at several places like Science lab, field, toilet, garden and also surau. Most of the place showed a promising result. There is a reduction of water usage compared to the first water audit We can take it as result of the awareness already there inside the students' mind. 

We hope that this awareness can stay in our life and hopefully everyone can do their part to spread the awareness. Remember, even the smallest thing counts. 

All in all, the second water audit is a success. We had fun and we learn something. Thank you and see you again in the next activity.

Save water, spread the awareness!

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