Tuesday 29 March 2016

Program Konservasi Air: Day 1

Hi! This is Firasnaim during the talk session by Dr. Kali. We are so proud of Firas for his courage to speak up in front of the audience. I guess through this proframme, other than water conserving information that we learnt, we can also build up some confidence. Good job, Firas!

We enjoyed the session because it made us realized that we actually used a lot of water in our daily life. Water is so precious. Even it's a renewable source, it takes a lot of effort to treat the water, so we must conserve water.

We also did water mapping, water audit and we even play a virtual water game. From the activities, we learn how to use water effieciently. So instead of using water hose to water your plant or wash your car, use pail. It seems small and simple but it can do wonder. It's better than we do nothing, right?

Water auditing. To conserve water, just open the tap slowly, no need to open it until finish. It can reduce the flow of water, hence we can save water. Simple, right?

Us during the talk session. So excited to learn new stuff. 

Water mapping session. We had to determine the source of our school water supply. It's Sungai Segget. 

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