Tuesday 26 April 2016

Water Audit in SDJ

As a River Ranger, we have responsibility to educate our friends about the importance of conserving water. So, when we were doing the school water audit, we did it with a group of Form 6 students.

We conducted the water audit from 17 to 20 April. During the whole week, we did a lot of things such as distributing and collecting daily water usage forms from classes. We also calculated the flow rate and the usage of water that students used during recess. We even conducting interviews with the school canteen workers and gardener about their water usage. Even though it is a lot of work, we did have fun. We feel accomplished because we get to share our knowledge about conserving water. 

Calculating water usage during recess. Thank god all the Jaafarians gave full cooperations.

Calculating water usage in the garden.

Conducting survey among the school garderner. We asked about the how much time they used to water plants around the school.

Thank you, uncle : )

Listening an explanation from Abang Satesh during their visit to conduct the water audit in SDJ

The best part of our work. We get to eat delicious food : )

After we finished the audit, finalised the form and submitted the result to Kak Radziah, we treat ourselves with the delicious ice kacang at B.Point. Some of us couldn't make it though. Thank you fellow River Rangers to make it happen! 

We also would like to thank the Jaafarians who participated in the school water audit especially students from 1 Tan, 2P3, 3P3, 4SNT, 5SNAT and Pra USG.

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