Thursday 12 May 2016

Water Conservation Iniatiative: Water Saving Device (Tap Aerator)

Based from the calculation, 0.5 L water is being used per person to wash hands at the school canteen. To cater approximately 500 Jaafarians during recess, it shows a significant amount of water being used per day, just at the canteen.

Water usage depends on the water flow rates and duration per use. So the steps that should we take to reduce water usage are:

a) reducing flow rate by using water saving device (tap aerators).
b) reducing the duration per use by washing hands quickly (but thoroughly)

These water saving devices will control the amount of water that flows through the tap without affecting the water pressure. The aerator acts as a sieve, separating a single flow of water into many tiny streams hence, the water flow is reduced, resulting in water savings.

With the help of the members of Kelab Alam Sekitar, we managed to install these tap aerators at all the school canteen's sinks. .

We hope that this small but meaningful iniatiative will make a difference in reducing the water usage in SDJ.